Our experts work with a precision technique based on the original technique of Pilates.
Our experienced instructors are also therapists and ready to best respond to pathologies that can be treated with Pilates.

 “You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.” 
Joseph Hubertus Pilates

Anamnesis, biometrics and
Pilates-based diagnosis

The anamnesis traces the medical history, your potential current pain as well as the results of the various explorations already made and the treatments undertaken.

The physical balance is one of the key moments. It collects all the important information that will set up a suitable training program. We start first with questions about the general state of health, then some more specific ones, such as cardiovascular and respiratory health, osteoarticular and musculotendinous. Then comes the measurements, the biometric tests and those specific to the foundations of the Pilates method.

These are the essential steps to reach the diagnosis and determine whether or not treatment can be started.

Sports and daily information

This step gives you an idea of ​​your starting level, your past, your current level of practice.

It also gives you an idea of ​​the general state of fitness, if you work a lot, whether you have a manual job or not and therefore your level of sedentary lifestyle.

Motivations and objectives

It is time to explain the purpose of your visit and what you expect in terms of results. The instructor will at the same time learn about your availability and thus agree on the number of weekly sessions needed.

This step allows the evaluation of the motivation to start, a very important parameter to have a good regularity and therefore good results, the two being intimately linked.
